What kind of error is 0x000000d1. How to fix DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL blue screen errors (0x000000D1)

Blue screen of death with error 0x000000D1 occurs for one of several reasons:

  1. Problem with WiFi driver or network card
  2. Processor driver problem
  3. Conflict in the operation of video card drivers

Stop 0x000000D1 - Problem with the WiFi or network card driver - ndis.sys

Most common blue screen of death with bsod 0x000000D1 occurs due to problems with a conflicting network adapter driver and firewall, in which case you will see an error on the blue screen mentioning the driver file ndis.sys. Most often, this conflict manifests itself when working with utorrent and other heavy loads on the network.

This can be solved by the following steps (try in order, if the previous one does not help, do the following and so on until the end of the list):

  1. Updating the firewall to the latest version, if you use Outpost, you can remove it and install Comodo instead.
  2. Update all network device drivers, network card or WiFi, depending on what you use to access the Internet.
  3. Converting network card settings from Automatic mode to 10Mb half-duplex.
  4. If you have an integrated network card, disable it and try using a USB WiFi module or internal network card.
  5. If all of the above did not help - Reinstall Windows.

Stop 0x000000D1 - Problem with the processor driver - Gv3.sys

It often appears when going into sleep mode, or when switching power from a regular electrical outlet to a battery in the case of laptops.

You need to make sure that the problem is with the processor driver, to do this you need to look at which file the blue screen refers to, if it is Gv3.sys, you will see a similar line: gv3.sys – Address F8E26A89 base at F8E26000, Datestamp 3dd991eb

This means you need to download the latest driver for the processor and reinstall it. You can find it either through the automatic update center, if you have everything honestly and licensed Windows. If the update center is not available to you, you can search the Internet by name and model of the laptop.

Stop 0x000000D1 - Problem with the video card driver - nvata.sys

Periodically, if you do not work with the computer for a long time, a blue screen appears with an error DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_JR_EQUAL
STOP: 0x000000D1(0x00000004,0x00000002,0x00000000, 0xF83225FB)
nvata.sys - Address F8311000, DateStanp43052d35
nvata.sys used by the motherboard chipset to communicate with the hard drive.

Sometimes this is due to a conflict in working with the video card driver, then it is necessaryreinstall drivers nvidia.

Disabling the function also often helps. NCQ:
Device Manager -> IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers -> NVIDIA nForce4 Serial ATA Controller -> PrimarySecondary Channel and uncheck Enable command queuing

For any other blue screens of death with a stop signal 0x000000D1, It is necessary by analogy to look at which file swears before the word Address continue to search on the Internet for which device this driver belongs to, and then update to the latest versions.

If this article helped you, please write about it in the comments. Also, if you have problems and something didn’t work out, write also, I’ll try to help.

Good evening. I will share with you another computer repair story. This all happened just last week. Everything is fine with the laptop itself (hardware), but when turned on (after the welcome screen), a BSOD pops up, popularly called the “blue screen of death” with error number 0x000000D1 and indicating the file ndis.sys. At first I looked through the forums, people advised different things. So that you don’t have to try every method, I’ll describe to you the one that helped me. The error is related to the ndis.sys file - which, as it turns out, is some kind of driver for network devices. And which of the two networks (Ethernet or Wi-Fi) we will now figure out.

Why did the blue screen of death occur?

I think this is the most popular question that users begin to ask without taking out their laptop. In fact, it is impossible to answer it unequivocally and here’s why. To try to begin to figure it out, the user needs to remember what he did that ultimately led to such an error. The answers here vary. Someone saw that Windows started installing updates when shutting down (and asked not to turn off the computer), but the user still turned it off with his own hands. Which caused a blue screen to appear behind the desktop the next time I started it. Someone decided to update the drivers themselves, downloaded them from some site, a driver pack, and began “feeding” their computer. The computer seemed to have installed everything and asked to reboot. But alas, this turns out to be his last request, after which the computer simply throws a blue screen. Or, alternatively, there is a hardware failure in the computer, and this happens. But you can’t predict how lucky you will be.

How to fix the error?

Well, let’s say we have an error, by the way, in my case it looks like this.

Since the error does not allow us to boot in normal mode, we try to boot in safe mode. To do this, turn on the computer and as soon as the BIOS picture disappears, immediately press the F8 button a couple of times. Eventually the following screen will load.

Of all the proposed options, select the top one simply “Safe Mode”. Within a minute, the download will take place and something similar to a desktop with a low resolution and a minimum of programs will be displayed.

Now we can start by trying to restore the restore point. If this function was enabled, the system independently created a point before installing new drivers. But to my regret, the user apparently decided to save space on the hard drive and disabled this function. It's a shame, it would have been a little simpler. But he doesn't get upset. Launch the device manager. Since we know that the error complains about some kind of network driver conflict, we will go to the “Network adapters” section.

Let’s begin by selecting the devices below one by one and clicking the right mouse button to delete them.

We went through each item, deleted everything, but now when we try to update the hardware configuration, for some reason the drivers begin to install by themselves.

Again, there is no reason to be upset. Perhaps you simply did not disable automatic installation of drivers from Microsoft servers. I’ve already talked about this in previous posts, but in short, it’s turned off here.

Disabled then turned off, now most of the drivers stopped installing themselves, but one capricious one (from wi-fi) for some reason still acted as he pleased. No problem. As they say: “If the mountain does not come to Magomed..”, so we simply right-click on the “capricious” item and select disable.

The driver was successfully disabled. Now we try to restart the computer and boot into normal mode. And voila! Success we see the desktop, device manager shows that one network device requires a driver (this is Ethernet), the other (Wi-fi) is disabled.

Well, now we are trying to turn on the driver from Wi-fi using the method of elimination and “oh my God!” experience blue screen. This means we have found the root of the problem, and this problem is in the Wi-fi driver. After consulting with the user, we came to the conclusion that he does not use wireless networks and disabling Wi-Fi is not critical. Therefore, I repeated the instructions described above for disabling the driver, and finally, so that the user would not accidentally turn it on, I went into the BIOS.

I sat and poked around and found a wonderful point for turning off Wi-Fi. This is what it looks like (yours may be different).

That is, I blocked the Wi-fi driver from working. Now, when you enter Device Manager, this device simply does not appear.

And that's all. The computer works - the user is happy :)

One of the common variants of “blue screens of death” (BSoD) is error 0x000000d1, which occurs among users of Windows 10, 8, Windows 7 and XP. In Windows 10 and 8, the blue screen looks a little different - there is no error code, only the message DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL and information about the file that caused it. The error itself indicates that some system driver accessed a non-existent memory page, which caused the failure.

The instructions below describe ways to fix the STOP 0x000000D1 blue screen, identify the problematic driver or other reasons causing the error, and return Windows to normal operation. In the first part we will talk about Windows 10 - 7, in the second - specific solutions for XP (but the methods from the first part of the article are also relevant for XP). The last section lists additional, sometimes occurring reasons for this error to appear on both operating systems.

How to fix blue screen 0x000000D1 DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL in Windows 10, 8 and Windows 7?

First, about the simplest and most common variants of error 0x000000D1 DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL in Windows 10, 8 and 7, which do not require memory dump analysis or other investigations to determine the cause.

If, when an error appears on a blue screen, you see the name of a file with the .sys extension, it is this driver file that caused the error. And most often these are the following drivers:

  • sys, nvlddmkm.sys (and other file names starting with nv) - NVIDIA video card driver failure. The solution is to completely remove the video card drivers and install the official ones from the NVIDIA website for your model. In some cases (for laptops), installing official drivers from the laptop manufacturer’s website solves the problem.
  • sys (and others starting with ati) - AMD (ATI) video card driver failure. The solution is to completely remove all video card drivers (see link above) and install the official ones for your model.
  • rt86winsys, rt64win7.sys (and other rts) - Realtek Audio drivers crash. The solution is to install drivers from the computer motherboard manufacturer's website or from the laptop manufacturer's website for your model (not from the Realtek website).
  • sys - relates to the computer's network card driver. Try also installing official drivers (from the website of the motherboard or laptop manufacturer for your model, and not through “Update” in Device Manager). At the same time: sometimes it happens that the problem is caused by a recently installed ndis.sys antivirus.

Separately, for the error STOP 0x000000D1 ndis.sys - in some cases, to install a new network card driver when the blue screen of death constantly appears, you should go into safe mode (without network support) and do the following:

  1. In Device Manager, open the network adapter properties, Driver tab.
  2. Click "Update", select "Search on this computer" - "Select from a list of already installed drivers."
  3. The next window will most likely display 2 or more compatible drivers. Choose one whose supplier is not Microsoft, but the network controller manufacturer (Atheros, Broadcomm, etc.).

If none of this list applies to your situation, but the name of the file that caused the error is displayed on a blue screen in the error information, try searching the Internet for which device driver this file belongs to and also try either installing the official version of this driver, or , if possible, roll back it in the device manager (if the error did not occur before).

If the file name is not displayed, you can use the free BlueScreenView program to analyze the memory dump (it will display the names of the files that caused the crash), provided that you have memory dumps enabled (usually enabled by default).

To enable saving memory dumps, go to “Control Panel” - “System” - “Advanced system settings”. On the Advanced tab, under Startup and Recovery, click Options and enable system failure event recording.

Additionally: for Windows 7 SP1 and the error caused by the files tcpip.sys, netio.sys, fwpkclnt.sys there is an official fix available here: https://support.microsoft.com/ru-ru/kb/2851149 (click "Package hotfix is ​​available for download").

Error 0x000000D1 in Windows XP.

First of all, if in Windows XP the specified blue screen of death occurs when you connect to the Internet or perform other network activities, I recommend installing the official fix from the Microsoft website, it may help: https://support.microsoft.com/ru-ru /kb/916595 (intended for errors caused by http.sys, but sometimes helps in other situations). Update: For some reason the download on the specified page no longer works, there is only a description of the error.

Separately, we can highlight the kbdclass.sys and usbohci.sys errors in Windows XP - they may relate to software and keyboard and mouse drivers from the manufacturer. Otherwise, the ways to fix the error are the same as in the previous part.

Additional Information.

The following things can also be the causes of the DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL error in some cases:

  • Programs that install virtual device drivers (or rather, these drivers themselves), especially hacked ones. For example, programs for mounting disk images.
  • Some antiviruses (again, especially in cases where license bypasses are used).
  • Firewalls, including those built into antivirus programs (especially in cases of ndis.sys errors).

Well, there are two more theoretically possible possible causes - a disabled Windows swap file or problems with the RAM of a computer or laptop. Also, if the problem appeared after installing some software, check to see if there are Windows restore points on your computer that will allow you to quickly fix the problem.

We hope that this material will help you solve your problem. If you have any questions or additions, write in the comments.

BSoD errors have always scared users more than others. The display of a “blue screen of death” indicates serious errors that prevent the system from continuing to function and the correction of which is required urgently.

The most common error code is 0x000000D1, which indicates problems with the driver.

How to fix the error

To begin with, in order to try to correct the situation in question, you need to clearly understand which driver began to malfunction. If the description refers to the .sys file, then you can figure out on your own which hardware Windows is complaining about:

If the first letters in the file name are nv or ati, then this problem is most likely related to the NVidia and AMD video card drivers, respectively.

To solve this problem, you need to update your video card drivers. To do this, download the installer corresponding to your video card from the official website and reinstall it. If you have a laptop or a built-in video card on the motherboard (processor), the software can be downloaded from the websites of the manufacturers of these products.

If the first letters in the file name are rt, then this will indicate that the audio card drivers are “quarreling”.

In this case, the best option would be to download the software from the motherboard manufacturer’s website. Then you need to reinstall it. If the audio card is discrete and not built-in, in this case, download and reinstall the software from the website that manufactured this equipment.

The ndis.sys file indicates a network card driver error.

To do this, we reinstall them by first entering Windows safe mode without loading network drivers.

If none of the above points correspond to your problem, look for the name of the file in search engines and try to find out for yourself what equipment uses it.

If the source of the problem is not displayed, download and install BlueScreenView. It will help with the issue of finding out the names of the problematic files, and after that, begin solving the problem of a particular driver.

The problem can also be solved using standard Windows OS tools. To do this, go to the “Boot and Recovery” window (can be found by searching in the OS) and check the box next to “Write to system log”.

If you don’t want + and carry out such manipulations, use the official Microsoft website and download a separate application that will help solve this problem (https://support.microsoft.com/ru-ru/kb/2851149).


Error 0x000000D1 DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL in windows

One of the common variants of “blue screens of death” (BSoD) is error 0x000000d1, which occurs among users of Windows 10, 8, Windows 7 and XP. In Windows 10 and 8, the blue screen looks a little different - there is no error code, only the message DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL and information about the file that caused it. The error itself indicates that some system driver accessed a non-existent memory page, which caused the failure.

The instructions below describe ways to fix the STOP 0x000000D1 blue screen, identify the problematic driver or other reasons causing the error, and return Windows to normal operation. In the first part we will talk about Windows 10 - 7, in the second - specific solutions for XP (but the methods from the first part of the article are also relevant for XP). The last section lists additional, sometimes occurring reasons for this error to appear on both operating systems.

How to fix blue screen 0x000000D1 DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL in windows 10, 8 and windows 7?

First, about the simplest and most common variants of error 0x000000D1 DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL in Windows 10, 8 and 7, which do not require memory dump analysis or other investigations to determine the cause.

If, when an error appears on a blue screen, you see the name of a file with the .sys extension, it is this driver file that caused the error. And most often these are the following drivers:

  • sys, nvlddmkm.sys (and other file names starting with nv) - NVIDIA video card driver failure. The solution is to completely remove the video card drivers and install the official ones from the NVIDIA website for your model. In some cases (for laptops), installing official drivers from the laptop manufacturer’s website solves the problem.
  • sys (and others starting with ati) - AMD (ATI) video card driver failure. The solution is to completely remove all video card drivers (see link above) and install the official ones for your model.
  • sys - relates to the computer's network card driver. Try also installing official drivers (from the website of the motherboard or laptop manufacturer for your model, and not through “Update” in Device Manager). At the same time: sometimes it happens that the problem is caused by a recently installed ndis.sys antivirus.

Separately, for the error STOP 0x000000D1 ndis.sys - in some cases, to install a new network card driver when the blue screen of death constantly appears, you should go into safe mode (without network support) and do the following:

  1. In Device Manager, open the network adapter properties, Driver tab.
  2. Click "Update", select "Search on this computer" - "Select from a list of already installed drivers."

If none of this list applies to your situation, but the name of the file that caused the error is displayed on a blue screen in the error information, try searching the Internet for which device driver this file belongs to and also try either installing the official version of this driver, or , if possible, roll back it in the device manager (if the error did not occur before).

If the file name is not displayed, you can use the free BlueScreenView program to analyze the memory dump (it will display the names of the files that caused the crash), provided that you have memory dumps enabled (usually enabled by default).

To enable saving memory dumps, go to “Control Panel” - “System” - “Advanced system settings”. On the Advanced tab, under Startup and Recovery, click Options and enable system failure event recording.

Additionally: for Windows 7 SP1 and the error caused by the files tcpip.sys, netio.sys, fwpkclnt.sys there is an official fix available here: https://support.microsoft.com/ru-ru/kb/2851149 (click "Package hotfix is ​​available for download").

Error 0x000000D1 in windows XP.

First of all, if in Windows XP the specified blue screen of death occurs when you connect to the Internet or other actions with the network, I recommend installing the official fix from the Microsoft website, perhaps it will help: https://support.microsoft.com/ru-ru /kb/916595 (intended for errors caused by http.sys, but sometimes helps in other situations). Update: For some reason the download on the specified page no longer works, there is only a description of the error.

Additional Information.

Well, there are two more theoretically possible possible causes - a disabled Windows swap file or problems with the RAM of a computer or laptop. Also, if the problem appeared after installing some software, check to see if your computer has Windows restore points that will allow you to quickly fix the problem.

We hope that this material will help you solve your problem. If you have any questions or additions, write in the comments.

Source: remontka.pro


Error code 0x000000d1 in windows 10

Good afternoon, dear readers, today we will look at how to solve the blue screen, which has error code 0x000000d1 in Windows 10. This BSoD is also caught by users of Windows 7 - 8.1 and even XP. In Windows 10 and 8, the blue screen looks a little different - there is no error code, only the message DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL and information about the file that caused it. Below we will look at how all this is treated and diagnosed.

Fixing blue screen and error 0x000000d1

This is what a blue screen and error code 0x000000d1 looks like in Windows 10.

In most cases in Windows 10, error 0x000000D1 DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL does not require memory dump analysis or additional research. And then you can see that the problem is with the driver. In such cases, the blue screen displays a file name ending in .sys; in the screenshot shown, this is the file myfault.sys.

Most often these are the following drivers:

  • nv1ddmkm.sys, nvlddmkm.sys (and other file names starting with nv) - NVIDIA video card driver failure. The solution is to completely remove the video card drivers and install the official ones from the NVIDIA website for your model. In some cases (for laptops), installing official drivers from the laptop manufacturer’s website solves the problem.
  • atikmdag.sys (and others starting with ati) - AMD video card driver (ATI) crashed. The solution is to completely remove all video card drivers (see link above) and install the official ones for your model.
  • rt86winsys, rt64win7.sys (and other rts) - Realtek Audio drivers crash. The solution is to install drivers from the computer motherboard manufacturer's website or from the laptop manufacturer's website for your model (not from the Realtek website).
  • ndis.sys - relates to the driver of the computer’s network card. Try also installing official drivers (from the website of the motherboard or laptop manufacturer for your model, and not through “Update” in Device Manager). At the same time: sometimes it happens that the problem is caused by a recently installed ndis.sys antivirus.

As you can see, the blue screen of death and error 0x000000d1 is very extensive and has many options

STOP error 0x000000D1 ndis.sys

If you caught the error STOP 0x000000D1 ndis.sys, then there are cases that in order to install a fresh network card driver when the blue screen of death constantly appears, you should go into safe mode (without network support) and do the following:

Open the device manager, to do this, right-click on the start button and select this item from the context menu.

network adapter properties, Driver tab

Click Update, select Search this computer - Select from a list of already installed drivers.

The next window will most likely display 2 or more compatible drivers. Choose one whose supplier is not Microsoft, but the network controller manufacturer (Atheros, Broadcomm, etc.).

If this does not help and you have not solved the error 0x000000d1, then try rolling back the driver, or completely reinstalling it, either from the manufacturer’s official website or in one fell swoop at a time. If it doesn't help, then let's look at the dump.

Analyzing error dump 0x000000d1

There are two ways to analyze a memory dump, the first and most correct is using Microsoft Kernel Debugger, but it requires installation and additional steps, but there is also a quick quick check using the free BlueScreenView utility.

You launch BlueScreenView and open the dump file, you can see it where it is stored, in the system properties (Control Panel > System). Next, go to the Advanced tab > Options. You will see the storage location Dump File. If dump saving is not enabled, then check the appropriate box and wait for the next error 0x000000d1.

The utility shows you which libraries and drivers cause this error 0x000000D1

Error 0x000000D1 in windows XP

First of all, if in Windows XP the specified blue screen of death with error 0x000000d1 occurs when connecting to the Internet or other network activities, I recommend installing the official fix from the Microsoft website, it may help: https://support.microsoft.com/ ru-ru/kb/916595 (intended for errors caused by http.sys, but sometimes helps in other situations).

Separately, we can highlight kbdclass.sys and usbohci.sys errors in Windows XP - they can relate to software and keyboard and mouse drivers from the manufacturer. Otherwise, the ways to fix the error are the same as in the previous part.

The following things can also be the causes of the DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL error in some cases:

  • Programs that install virtual device drivers (or rather, these drivers themselves), especially hacked ones. For example, programs for mounting disk images.
  • Some antiviruses (again, especially in cases where license bypasses are used).
  • Firewalls, including those built into antivirus programs (especially in cases of ndis.sys errors).

If you have system restore points, then try rolling back to a stable system state and I hope you defeated the error 0x000000d1 in Windows 10

Users of various operating systems (from the archaic Windows XP to Windows 10) may encounter a “blue screen of death”, the text of which contains a reference to the error “DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL: 0x000000D1”. Usually this problem is associated with incorrectly working drivers for any of the system devices, but there are also situations when error 0x000000D1 is caused by other hardware and software factors. In this material I will tell you what the essence of this error is, what are its causes, and how to fix the DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL: 0x000000D1 error on your PC.

What does the text “DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL: 0x000000D1” mean?

As follows from the text of the error itself, the latter occurs due to failures in the operation of some system driver (usually one of the system kernel drivers), which tried to use an incorrect memory address to solve its problems.

The text of the resulting BSoD may indicate the name of the specific culprit driver (with the “sys” extension) that caused the “DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL” error, which greatly simplifies solving this problem.

Almost all modern Windows operating systems, starting with Windows XP and ending with Windows 10, are susceptible to this error and similar ones.

Solving the problem with DRIVER_IRQL

Causes of the error in Windows

Among the reasons for this dysfunction, I would highlight the following:

How to fix DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL: 0x000000D1

To get rid of the DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL: 0x000000D1 error, do the following:

Update (remove, roll back) the problematic driver. If the BSoD text indicates the name of the culprit driver with the “sys” extension, then it is recommended to search through a search engine to find out which device (element) of the system this driver belongs to (often it is a video card driver, network card driver, etc.). And by going to the “Device Manager” (click on the “Start” button, enter devmgmt.msc in the search bar, and press enter), update, remove, or roll back this driver.

For example, the most problematic drivers are associated with the following system devices (elements):

  • athw8x – Atheros Wireless LAN Driver
  • iaStor – Intel Storage drivers
  • igdkmd64 – Intel Graphics driver
  • Netio – Network I/O Subsystem
  • tcpip.sys – Microsoft TCP/IP Driver
  • usbuhci – UHCI USB Miniport Driver.

A good tool for updating system drivers to the latest versions is to use special programs for updating drivers (level “DriverPack Solution”, “Driver Talent”, “Driver Easy”, etc.), which will automatically check the drivers of your system and then update them to the latest configuration.

If the specific culprit driver is not displayed, you can search for it using the BlueScreenView memory dump analyzer program, which will help identify problematic drivers that cause BSoD.

The BlueScreenView program will help analyze the memory dump and identify the problematic driver

Disable a recently installed device, or uninstall a recently installed program. In many cases, an effective solution has been to deactivate a recently installed hardware or software element in the system. You can also try disabling unnecessary equipment to identify the cause of the BSoD (pay attention to the memory sticks, they may not work correctly, so check them using “MemTest 86”).



The occurrence of the DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL error is usually associated with some incorrectly working driver of one of the system devices. It is recommended to identify the problematic driver, and then update, remove, or roll back it, stabilizing the system, and thereby eliminating the DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL: 0x000000D1 error on your PC.