How to increase views on YouTube for free and what safe methods of increase I recommend. Views on YouTube

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Every day, thousands of new channels are created on such a huge, world-famous video hosting site as YouTube (and this is only in Russia). And most of their owners are thinking about making their videos more popular than others.

What is the determining indicator of the popularity of a video on YouTube? Of course – these are views! Of course, your video will not move to the Top if you do not have subscribers, likes (this is especially important or) and comments, but nevertheless, views are the first thing that users pay attention to when searching for a particular video on the service.

As a result, the question arises: “How to quickly get these same views for your video?” There are many options and methods to solve this problem. So, for example, if you have a small channel and you only need views so that you don’t get completely bored, then you can go through various free promotion services that work in the format of exchanging resources between users. You give your task, and in return you must subscribe to someone, watch a video or like it.

Where can I buy live views on YouTube?

For those whose channel reaches a more serious level, such promotion will not be suitable, since in this case you risk being left without a channel at all. In this case, you just need to know where you can buy live views on YouTube.

In order for you not to rush around looking for a decent service on the Internet (although this is your business), we can immediately suggest offering a working option - a website Here you will find what you need. This site is intended both for amateurs (read “schoolchildren”) and for professional work at the highest level. This is exactly the type of work that includes buying wholesale views on YouTube.

I would like to highlight three main factors that positively influence video promotion when ordering this service:

  1. Time to add views. After you have left your order on the website, it is put into operation within the first hour. The promotion process itself lasts gradually, but no more than 2 days from the moment the order is placed.
  2. Quality. All those views that you order will not differ in any way from the standard viewing of any YouTube user. Thus, this will be taken into account both by the YouTube counter and by the service analyst
  3. Guarantees. You can be sure that with such promotion, the received views will not be written off, and your channel will not be blocked (of course, if you purchase views correctly, which we will discuss below)

The pricing policy of the site requires special consideration, since it may seem that the cost of views is quite low (from 99 to 150 rubles per 1000 views), and accordingly, the quality of the material may also leave much to be desired. But the site is not at all chasing profit, using unscrupulous methods or fraud, but tries to attract the most reliable sources and databases possible.

How to increase views on YouTube without getting your video blocked?

However, not a single site will be able to protect your channel from being banned if the promotion is done incorrectly. To achieve truly high results in promotion, you need to independently carry out a number of organizational and optimization measures. Unfortunately, even with paid promotion, you are unlikely to be able to overclock the zero channel without some basic design and structuring.

In this regard, first you need to prepare the channel for promotion and additional attraction of traffic to it. Take your design seriously. If you want the purchased views to not only hang like dead weight under your videos, but also bring other users to the channel, you need to attract them with interesting content. Be sure to upload your channel logo and header, especially for those who want to promote their business using YouTube. Thus, at first glance you will let the user know what to expect when viewing this channel.

If you have already downloaded a sufficient number of videos, it makes sense to give them a neat look by dividing them into playlists. This will make it much easier for users to find the information they need. When answering the question: “ How to increase views on YouTube without getting your video blocked?”, try to independently achieve minimal promotion and activity on the channel. Post new videos on all social platforms to which you have access. The main thing is that it is possible to embed the YouTube player itself directly.

In this case, all views from other social networks will also be taken into account by YouTube. You need to remember that newcomers to video hosting are treated with great suspicion, so all your unnatural actions may be nipped in the bud by blocking both individual videos and the channel as a whole. Although, of course, you may be lucky, it’s still better not to take risks.

And only after your channel is ready to boost and receive new traffic, you can start artificially promoting your videos. As we mentioned earlier, not all videos are suitable for this. Video recordings that are contrary to the law or YouTube rules are not allowed to be cheated. So, for example, you can add views to a video that violates copyright, but in the end your investments will be useless, since the video will be deleted by YouTube. Also, you shouldn’t add tens of thousands of views to a video with zero activity, that is, if there are no comments or likes under it.

Users on YouTube are quite sociable and it is unlikely that any new video will go unnoticed, but even if this is the case, just ask your friends to leave any comments and like it. Otherwise, again, the YouTube system will consider these unnatural actions. In general, any promotion requires gradual and unhurried implementation; therefore, it is better to order a thousand views every two days than to deliver one hundred thousand at once. This will save you from unnecessary worries, and the quality of promotion will be much better.

How to get a lot of views on YouTube with and without retention?

Another important indicator when increasing views on a YouTube video is the viewing format: whether it will be with or without retention. Let's try to explain what it is. The fact is that YouTube takes into account absolutely all views, which is good on the one hand, but not all views are suitable for displaying a video clip in the top search.

So, if a user opened your video and immediately left the site or turned it off, this view will be considered without retention, that is, the person watched the video less than half, which does not have a particularly positive effect on its promotion. YouTube analyzes not only statistical data expressed in numbers (read more in the article on VK, YouTube and other social networks), but also the degree of user interest in the content.

Let’s formulate some definition of the concept of views with and without retention. The concept of “views with hold” means that one view of the video will account for 60-80% of the total duration of the video, while “views without hold” last from 3 to 12 seconds.

From this definition it follows that when solving the problem of how to get a lot of views on YouTube with and without retention, views with retention are higher quality material. However, purchasing such views will not always be the most successful and profitable.

So, for example, if your video lasts only a minute, the best option for you would be to order views without holding. You can view the options increase views on YouTube with and without hold. Due to the fact that YouTube takes into account the duration of viewing from the time of the video itself, in this case, views without retention will also be taken into account by the YouTube analyst.

Some people are probably wondering why different viewing formats are needed at all. This is necessary for those users who want not only to maintain a high-quality, interesting channel, but also to make a profit from this activity. As a result, it turns out that the more enthusiastically the public watches your videos, the faster they will rise to the top and, accordingly, will be more appreciated when monetizing them.

Increase views on YouTube online

Many users who read this article from the very beginning may be upset by the fact that the promised promotion time is such a long period - they want to immediately get results for the money they paid. But such a duration of cheating is needed not only for its high-quality and gradual implementation. The fact is that a large number of views are not immediately counted by YouTube. At least 48 hours must pass before it is updated.

If you want to see your views on YouTube in real time, then other methods may suit you. Therefore, we will try to talk about alternative options for increasing views on YouTube in online mode.

  1. You can use various exchangers. They can be either free or with the option of purchasing local currency. The essence of exchangers is that you place your order on any service and wait for it to be completed. You can see each view online. In exchange for this, you will need to complete some tasks. For example, like a video or subscribe to a channel. As a result, it turns out that the same users fulfill your order. The advantage of this option is that you actually see how your task is being completed. But, of course, there are also disadvantages here. For example, the order fulfillment time may extend depending on the workload of the exchanger. Also, considering that the order is carried out by ordinary users who also want to receive something, it is unlikely that you will achieve the desired retention of views. And of course, you can simply run into more scammers.
  2. The next option for increasing YouTube views is self-promotion. It is performed both manually and using various programs. The essence of this method is that you watch the video yourself many times. YouTube also takes into account views made from the same IP address. To make it easier to complete these steps and not bother yourself with watching one video hundreds of times, you can use special browser extensions that allow you to automatically update the page after a certain period of time. Thus, you can achieve a complete viewing of the video from beginning to end with appropriate retention. However, YouTube only allows you to watch a video up to 300 times. If you try to increase this number, the video will be blocked.

Here are the most popular options for increasing views on YouTube. But it’s not hard to guess that such options may not be suitable for everyone. This cheat is intended for amateur use when you need to get no more than 200-300 views for a video. But when it comes to serious promotion on a social network, these methods seem ridiculous, although they are available online.

How much does YouTube pay?

And of course, one cannot lose sight of the most attractive reason for increasing views on YouTube for most users - the opportunity to earn money. It has long been no secret that you can make money from YouTube videos. But not everyone knows how to do this, what options for earning money there are on YouTube and how much profit views can bring. We will try to answer these questions. Let's start with the first one.

In order to start making money on YouTube, it’s not enough to just have a channel and upload everything you filmed on your phone to it. First of all, your earnings will consist of several factors: how popular thematic niche the channel occupies, its rating and user interest in the content. From here it follows that you can earn at least something only if you shoot and post a really high-quality video that will be interesting to users.

On the technical side, you only need to enable monetization in the channel’s creative studio. However, to do this, you will need to fulfill some YouTube conditions, which include gaining a certain number of subscribers and views on the channel. After meeting these conditions, you will be able to choose the option of earning money on the channel.

Therefore, we move on to the second question. One of the ways to monetize a channel is the one that YouTube itself offers - advertising in your videos. And here it’s worth clarifying what exactly the money is being paid for. Many users mistakenly believe that they can earn money only from views of their videos. But this is absolutely not true. Of course, views are simply necessary to earn money, but the service does not pay for them, but for the advertising that is placed in your videos. Therefore, the question “How much does YouTube pay for 1000 views?” somewhat incorrect. It sounds much more informative: “How much do they pay for 1000 views of an ad on YouTube?” Now let's try to answer this question.

In fact, you won’t find exact numbers anywhere, since income even on two high-quality channels with the same topic can be completely different. This depends on the number of views, the degree of interest of users, and the advertisers themselves, whose advertisements will be placed on the channel. But approximate figures are already known. So, in Russia, YouTubers are paid for 1000 views from $0.25 to $2. And these, of course, are not the best global indicators. For example, if you create a channel for Norwegians or Americans, you can already earn at least $10. In this regard, it is rational to create a channel aimed at foreign audiences.

You can also use other options for earning money; more precisely, choose other advertising services that are more generous in payment. But the conditions for joining their program are quite tricky.

How to avoid being scammed when buying views on YouTube?

But let's get back to buying views. If you nevertheless decide on paid artificial promotion using services offering similar services, you need to carefully consider the choice of this organization. At the moment, the Internet is simply teeming with unscrupulous “sharashkas” who want to make money at your expense. As a result, the question arises: how to make the right choice when buying views and not get scammed?

Let's highlight the main points for choosing the required service:

  1. First of all, review all the information about the operation of this service. That is, study the reviews that users leave on various forums, since there is enough such information on the Internet. Of course, it is better to ask the opinion of those people who have already ordered services on this site personally (for example, if you have such friends on social networks), since reviews are not always written by real people.
  2. Nowadays, payment systems with which promotion services work also provide very useful information. For example, if PayPal or Webmoney cash desks are connected to the site, this means that the site owners have provided these systems with all the necessary documentation about the legality of such activities.
  3. Look for the guarantees that a particular service provides in the event of a poorly performed service. You can ask the same question to technical support. In this case, you will also check the efficiency of the service and the desire of the employees to help you understand any issue.
  4. Well, after all the information received that really suits you, you can make a pre-order for a minimum amount in order to check the operation of the service in action.

Only after all the steps have been completed can you confidently place large orders on this service. And you can check all the advice provided on the website and really make profitable and safe promotion not only views on YouTube, but also any other resources on various social networks

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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The popularity of YouTube haunts even Instagram, which suddenly decided to squeeze out the audience from the site and. We don’t know how the battle of the titans will end, but we know for sure that YouTube remains the second most popular site in the world, which means you can promote everything here - yourself, your business, and even your neighbor’s bulldog (who secretly dreams of becoming a star). But there is neither money nor desire to inflate cosmic sums in the first stages of promotion, so today we are talking about how to get coveted views on YouTube without tearful farewells to green bills.

Quality content
Everyone is talking about this, but the world is not getting any brighter or better. Remember once and for all - if you decide to take YouTube by the horns, this does not mean that you need to post videos from your grandmother’s dacha mixed with swearing workers. Follow the “Less but Better” principle and clearly define the needs of your target audience.

Do you sell cosmetics? Then tell us how to do makeup for a pool party, your best friend's wedding, and a first date. Are you promoting your own dance studio? Then record videos with cool choreography (although you won’t be able to do it completely for free) or training videos where you will talk about movement techniques and presentation in dancing.

But your main salvation is How-to videos. Thanks to them, Graham Cochrane received 34 million views. The blogger looks for ideas in the comments of subscribers, and when he doesn’t find them, he asks. The audience loves when people show interest in them.

subscribe to my channel

Imagine a writer writing on the table or a dancer performing in front of an empty hall. It looks absurd. Even explosive content is meaningless if no one sees it. So take care of this in advance. Remind users who watched the video to subscribe to your channel and click on the bell to receive notifications. Start saying the magic phrase “Subscribe to my channel” or organize sweepstakes, the obligatory condition for participation in which is to click on the coveted button.

Create playlists

We doubt that you like stores where bread and milk are on the same shelf. Believe me, users are also not happy with channels that mix horses, people and a couple of new life hacks.

And statistics say that popular blogs use 2 times more playlists. Because besides convenience, there is another reason why they work - autoplay. Even if a user would never watch a video called “Alice in Acid Land,” YouTube has already offered it. But our people do not refuse offers (and not ours either).

Use maps and end screens

The end screen is a highlighted frame at the end of the video, and cards pop up at any time. If new videos get millions of views, then it’s time to invite users to watch the old ones too. This is where an end screen comes in handy, allowing you to send viewers to another playlist.

Don't forget about watermarks

Another reminder of subscribing to the channel is the corporate logo, which serves as a subscription button. By the way, in order not to mislead users, the Shopify channel uses a watermark that says “Subscribe”. This is fair to users.

It’s worth noting right away that this button is not Schrödinger’s cat, and therefore it won’t work to make it seem like it’s there, but not like it’s not. The watermark will either be present in all videos or absent from the channel.

Promote videos on other social networks

If you are popular on at least one social network, it would be a shame not to take advantage of it. Millions of subscribers? Give them a one-minute presentation that will make them want to visit the channel. Or not a minute (long live IGTV)

Create a community
YouTube is a social network. This means you need to use it as a social network. Reply to subscribers' comments, subscribe to other channels and promote You Tube bloggers.

Remember YouTube algorithms
You know that ranking on YouTube is influenced by time and number of views? An easy way to increase them is to invite a popular blogger. This way you will kill two birds with one stone - you will satisfy the algorithm and attract a new audience.

Optimize titles and descriptions

YouTube is a search network. And you need to work like with a search network. If you want to win the channel race, identify keywords and use them. Only without “I shook your pipe.” The key phrases you want to promote will resonate with your information in any case. So write it organically and don’t forget that people are reading this.

Take care of the miniature

The thumbnail is the first thing users see. Do you want to choose from the images offered by the social network? Do not hurry. According to YouTube, users are more likely to click on images that have nothing to do with video frames. And they don’t leave after that.

A good thumbnail is an image that attracts attention and resonates with your brand. Fortunately, the 21st century has given us free programs for images and graphic design, so all that remains is to comply with the technical specifications:

  • Aspect ratio 16:9
  • Resolution 1280x720
  • Size less than 2 MB
  • JPG, GIF, BMP or PNG formats
OK it's all over Now! Use these tips to get views and may the power of YouTube be with you! How do you promote your channel? Share in the comments. 2 votes

Hello, dear readers of the Start-Luck blog. Are you already the owner of your channel and have even realized that you can make money on YouTube, but want to increase your income? Then this article is for you.

I'll tell you everything I know about how to get views on YouTube. You will learn more than five ways. Some of them are free to use, while others require some investment.

I highly advise you to learn all the possible methods that you can apply. I won't bother you with long texts, spend 5 minutes studying the full list. You will decide whether to use something or not as you work, but at least you will have all the information. Don't limit your own capabilities.

Perhaps not now, but a little later, you will want to expand the boundaries and in this case, take a detailed study of one of the available methods. Let's begin?


This is a very cool way to promote. During publication, you consciously come up with a title for your video based on search queries, write special tags and make a description that will bring new visitors to your channel.

How does optimization affect the number of views? Yes, very simple. Your video appears in Yandex and Google search results. Nowadays, many people first of all want to watch a video on a specific topic; search engines even have special tabs of the same name. Don't miss the opportunity to be on the list of the best and take first place in the search results.

I can recommend you the book by Kirill Zhukovsky “ YouTube. Way to success " In it you will find a lot of tips not only about optimization, but also get recommendations for creating top videos, learn and.

This information is also on my blog, but the book will undoubtedly have a number of advantages. My time, like other bloggers, is unfortunately limited. If I write very long texts, I simply won’t have any readers left.

Optimization will also help you appear in the "Related Videos" list, you've probably come across it. When a person finishes watching one clip, he is offered a whole scattering of similar ones. All that remains is to choose which one specifically interests him. You can also learn how to hook the viewer in the book that I recommended to you a little earlier.

Social network pages

You may have read my article on how to collect . Yes, you can also earn money on your personal page. However, now we are not interested in this, but in views. If you are, then your friends see it, which means the number of those who see it increases.

Nobody forbids you to create several accounts, look for new subscribers, and then use them to increase your profits. By the way, it is possible that your friends will also repost the post, which means the audience will double.

You can ask some of your especially popular friends to repost. It's honest and probably free. If you have contacts of popular people on VKontakte, you can contact them and ask them to post a video on their page for money. I don't think it will cost you very much. Give it a try.

Groups and communities

Another good way to increase the number of views is. You can publish your videos there too. People will have the opportunity to follow you on both resources. You increase your chances of popularity.

There are those who constantly sit on VKontakte and watch videos here, without even paying attention to the popular video hosting. You will get credit for any views these people made through another popular network.

Other social networks

By the way, I was just talking about VKontakte, but you should understand that there are also Odnoklassniki, as well as Facebook. No one is stopping you from creating an additional profile on these social networks. Both of them will bring more benefits.

There are many foreigners on Facebook who willingly subscribe and become friends of our compatriots. If you create videos without sound or with subtitles, they may also become interested in the channel and become ardent fans of your art.

On Odnoklassniki, friends' actions are displayed in the feed. You don’t have to repost, even if someone just likes your post, all of that person’s subscribers will immediately know about it. Don't give up on Odnoklassniki. Even here you can find the desired views and thereby increase your earnings very quickly without any cheating or programs.

Electronic resource

Many bloggers, in addition to their YouTube channel, also have their own website. It's very simple and increases your chances of getting featured in search engines. You can now win first place for a particular request in two ways - a video on YouTube and text on your own website.

It doesn't matter which development method you choose. I can advise you, in this case even they will do. You just need a platform to increase your own popularity.

Although, I would still advise you to use the exchange Kwork . Here, for just 500 rubles, they will help you create a good modern website on some website. I highly recommend reading, sites created on this engine have a number of advantages compared to others.

You can, of course, bother yourself and do everything correctly, without investments, but it will take so much time that you will go crazy.

I don’t see the point in learning a new profession, and more than one (layout designer, designer, programmer) in order to make just one website. Although, if you have such a desire, I can offer a course “ WordPress 4: example of website creation ».

Other people's sites

If the site is close to your topic, you can try leaving a comment and leaving a link to your video in the application. Of course, it is not a fact that the moderator will miss your message, but if you write in a topic, you can get a lot of traffic.

For example, your channel is dedicated to working in Photoshop. You recorded a screencast about . Find a blog that has exactly the same article, but no video instructions. Attach it to the comment with a message that you worked according to the instructions described in the text. I think that in this case every blogger will want to publish your work!

Programs for cheating

Promotion services will help a beginner to collect the required number of subscribers. In fact, at the beginning of their activity, almost everyone uses this method, so I advise you to pay attention to it. For example, I know excellent service . Here you can buy views or subscribers of your choice.

The most important advantage of this particular service is that you don’t have to be afraid of a ban. Everything is fair enough.

Promotion services

Another way of promotion is online services that contact advertising platforms and bloggers for you. Those, in turn, agree for money to leave a link in their text, on the wall or somewhere else with your video.

I can offer you . Its significant drawback is that I did not understand anything about the prices, but the information is impressive. The guys promise to select people who will be shown the video based on gender, age and type of device they use (phone or PC).

In addition, you can apply where exactly you want to advertise - on social networks or blogs. I won’t deceive you, I haven’t used this method myself, so if you dare, I will be glad to leave comments on this article and your assessment of the guys’ activities, as well as at least some specific information about prices.

That's all for me, don't forget about the opportunity to subscribe to the blog newsletter to stay up to date with new topics that I cover. You also have the opportunity to join group Start-Luck VKontakte . See you again and good luck in your endeavors.

Hello everyone, friends, Sergei Voytyuk is with you. As promised, I’m telling you about a new feature that appeared on YouTube quite recently. It will allow you to get more views on YouTube. And precisely due to old videos.

A new “Community” tab has appeared on YouTube.

This feature has appeared on channels that have more than 10,000 subscribers. If your channel isn't that big yet, don't worry. Either gain subscribers quickly, or wait. I think everyone will have it soon. In fact, this is something like a wall on VKontakte or Facebook. Now you can make posts on YouTube: write text, add pictures, videos, polls, and so on.

The main advantage of this innovation is that these posts are displayed in the subscription feed of your subscribers. Exactly the same as when publishing a video. If shooting a video takes time, a post can be written and published in 5 minutes. And thus get more views on YouTube.

How to use this feature correctly?

I know that few people use it yet, because few people know about it, not everyone has noticed it yet. Well, of course, not everyone has it yet. I'll explain how to use it to get additional views. I personally tested it on several channels and got very good results. So what should you do? If you just spam, write some incomprehensible texts mixed with videos, this can lead to subscriptions. Better write what you are going to make the next video about.

For example, tomorrow you release a new video. Write a short message to your subscribers, tell them what tomorrow's video will be about. Firstly, it will increase interest in the video. Secondly, subscribers will know that there will be a new video tomorrow. Accordingly, some of them will join the channel. And then it’s very important: advise them to watch some interesting video from your channel now.

In this case, I wrote this: “Today I’ll shoot a video, wait. But before that, look video that already exists, he will also be useful."

Look what results it gave.

See, this feature actually got more views on YouTube. And I achieved this without creating any new video. This is really very cool. On the second channel there were, I remembered this figure, 84 views per hour. And after I made the post, there were 210 views per hour. Subscribers actually watch the video, and this is a very big plus. Therefore, I advise you to use this function now. Do everything correctly, competently, and then you will get really high-quality views, and you will not have unsubscribes from the channel. When everyone starts using this feature, I think the efficiency will drop because the entire feed will be filled with different posts, videos, and so on. So take advantage while you have time.

  • This is what the help forum says, the most important.
  • This opportunity appeared on channels that have more than 10,000 subscribers, as I said.
  • These posts are displayed on the “home” and “subscriptions” tabs. That is, even on the main page, your post can be displayed next to other videos.
  • You can attach more than just videos to these posts. You can add a video, poll, picture, or even a GIF. This also works very well.
  • People can comment on these posts, just like on VKontakte and Facebook. And also like or dislike.

About notifications.

You can subscribe, click on the bell and turn on notifications about the author's posts. But YouTube immediately warns that you won't receive all notifications about new videos directly. The algorithm will choose which videos you will receive notifications about and which ones you won’t.

Well, those who haven’t reached another 10,000 subscribers, don’t worry. Soon it will be available to everyone. If you already have 10,000 subscribers on your channel, but don’t have this feature, you need to enable review in the channel settings. If it doesn't help, then all you can do is wait. It may not have been turned on for all channels yet.

I've been following this feature for a long time. I had a million-dollar channel on which it had been on for a long time, even six months ago. Now it is very effective. I don't know how long its effectiveness will last. Maybe it will always work well, maybe now everyone will start posting and efficiency will drop. Let's see. I think it will still fall a little over time. So take advantage while you have the opportunity. Thank you for reading the article to the end. If you want to learn how to get more views on YouTube using a variety of methods, then I invite you to my channel. Write comments on the videos, I will be happy to answer them.