How to find out the ID of a VKontakte retargeting audience. VKontakte retargeting - step-by-step settings

VKontakte retargeting is a special type of interaction with the target audience, in which we target our offer to landing page visitors who have an account on the VKontakte social network and have performed a certain action: from simply going to a resource to completing an order or filling out a lead form.

Based on the information received, the marketer can contact this audience with advertising offers to optimize landing page conversion or average check.

In this example, we will divide users into two groups - visitors who did not complete the target action and potential buyers who submitted an application. In our example, the users who completed the target action are potential buyers of a smartphone, to whom we can also offer to buy a headset.

First, we need to install retargeting counters: one on the main landing page, the second on the thank you page.

Installing a counter

6. In the LPgenerator visual editor, open the thank you page and use the Scripts tool to paste the copied code. Set the position to "Inside tag" ».

9. Similar settings must be set on the main page to capture all users. To do this, we go through the entire chain of actions from points 3 to 6 again.

10. After some time, we receive information on the collected visitors. In our case:

A group of potential buyers who submitted an application on the landing page - code placed on the thank you page
The group of all landing page visitors is a code placed on the main page.

We create targeted ads

Now we see two user audiences. Let's put this information into practice and make our own targeted ad for each group. Below we will look at an example of creating advertisements for the sale of headphones.

2. We will make the first announcement for a group of users who completed an order (filled out an application) on our landing page.

Click on the “External Site” icon. Since the resulting retargeting user base can be used for both the current and another landing page, you can use a link to both a separate landing page and the one from which you collected the base:

If you want to improve its effectiveness, then one of such tools in Internet marketing is retargeting, and specifically VKontakte retargeting. Yes, although the profession presupposes freedom, it places increasingly strict demands on its representatives.

How does retargeting work? For example, you and your website are visited by visitors, some order services, and some leave. Most, of course, leave the site and in order to “tag” and then return these users, a tracking pixel is installed on the site. After the user has visited your web page on the Internet, if he is on VKontakte, you can show him advertising customized specifically for him and return him to the site again, where the likelihood of performing the target action then increases.

Now let's move on to setting up VKontakte retargeting.

Step 1. First, you need to go to your advertising account and select the retargeting menu item.

Step 2. Next, you need to create and install a tracking pixel on your website. Since 2016, there is no need to create different pixels for different pages; a separate pixel is created and installed on all pages of the web resource. Enter the name, website address, indicate the subject and click “Create”.

Step 3. Congratulations! Your pixel has been created! All that remains is to select and copy the code, and then install it on the pages of your site between the tags .

For example, on our website there is an SEO category, if we want to retarget to those who visited this category, we indicate the address of this page. In the same way, you can divide your audience by what they watched on your site, construction of houses or finishing facilities, and create a separate ad specifically for each group. If you will target all site visitors, then select the appropriate item in the settings.

Here you can set the period for which users will be collected. You can choose from 3 to 180 days, or for the entire time. Which value to indicate depends on how long it takes to make a decision to purchase your product. If this is the construction of houses, then you can choose a higher value, if a taxi, then a lower value.

Creating targeted ads for a retargeting group

Please note that after installing the tracking pixel on the site, it will take some time to build an audience - it must be at least 100 people. When this condition is met, you can begin creating targeted ads for your retargeting groups.

Specify the address of the page you want to advertise and customize the title, text and image of the ad. The only difference from setting up regular targeting is that when setting up a target audience, you need to select a retargeting audience in the additional parameters.

Creating a target post

To use a post from your VK group as an advertisement, go to the group, find the desired post and click on three dots, a menu appears where you need to select “Advertise”, and then, in the same way, select the desired retargeting audience in the settings.

Using this tool will increase conversion and reduce the cost of one lead significantly!

With the advent of retargeting, new opportunities for running advertising campaigns became available, even those that were not in the plans of the VK developers, but more on that a little later. Many advertisers do not use retargeting, mainly due to ignorance or underestimation of the possibilities. I propose to understand retargeting on VKontakte in more detail.

Topics I will cover:
5. Retargeting mistakes.
6. Cases on retargeting.

What is retargeting?
In simple terms, retargeting is an opportunity to advertise to those who already know about you. But there is another nice opportunity - finding the most interested audience.

How? There are options here, for example, to make a selection of VKontakte users according to a certain parameter, you can collect a database of ids of active participants in certain communities, or import a database of e-mails of your subscribers. That's not all, the possibilities are truly endless.

You can import a retargeting database if you have:

  1. mobile phone numbers;
  2. email addresses;
  3. id VKontakte.

What are the advantages of retargeting:

  1. interested audience;
  2. low conversion cost.

But there is also a minus: there is always not as much interested audience as we would like, and sooner or later you will have to face the fact that easy sales will end. And you will have to find a new audience.

How can it be used?
The only word that is appropriate here is “differently”! And this is true, but let's look at the real possibilities:

If there is a website
You have a visited website with a target audience, you can install a retargeting code on it and use the resulting database:

  1. for sales.
  2. By installing the code on the site and simply setting up the display of ads on the retargeting base;

  3. for upsells.
  4. By installing the code on the sales page and on the post-purchase page. Configure the display of ads on the basis of “sales pages” and exclude the basis of “pages after purchase”;

  5. for repeat sales.
  6. By installing the code on the page after the sale and setting up the display of ads on this base;

  7. community promotion.
  8. By installing the retargeting code on the site and setting up the display of ads to the resulting base. To avoid unnecessary expenses, you can periodically collect a base of subscribers of your community and exclude them through retargeting.

The trick is that the user has already visited your site, which means that after seeing your advertisement, he will be more loyal.

Database of e-mail addresses or mobile phones
If you have a thematic database of e-mail addresses or mobile phones, you import them into the retargeting database and start advertising what you want, provided that this “what you want” does not contradict the rules of VKontakte.

Retargeting database collection service
But there is a more elegant way, it is suitable even for those who have neither a website, nor a phone database, nor an e-mail database, but have a product or service that they would like to sell through VKontakte.

To implement this method, we will need a script for collecting retargeting databases, the best one today is Cerebro, which has truly gigantic capabilities. More details about Cerebro in the corresponding section, but for now the gist.

You collect a database based on one of the parameters, or a number of parameters, and start an advertising campaign aimed at these users.

Don’t forget that retargeting databases can be used not only for advertising, but also as exceptions.

How to install the code on the site?
You can write for a long time, so I decided to make a video that will answer 3 simple questions at once:

  1. How to install a retargeting code on a website?
  2. How to import a ready-made database of ids, emails or phone numbers into the retargeting database?
  3. How can I set up ads to be shown only to users in my retargeting database?

Third-party ID collection services

I’ll start with free services for collecting databases for retargeting, which will seriously make your life easier and save money.

The simplest service on the list, it allows you to retrieve the IDs of all users of a certain community.

What is the goal?

Create an exclusion base so that targeted advertising is not shown to people who are already members of communities. As a result, we save our budget and don’t once again infuriate our subscribers with stupid advertising.

In this article we will take a closer look at creating an ad for VKontakte retargeting with the addition of an audience: users who viewed certain pages of the site, but did not take any action on it. Similarly, you can create ads for those audiences in which users have not been to certain pages of the site or performed some actions. It all depends on what exactly you are advertising and what promotions you are ready to create.

VK retargeting by site visitors

First, you need to check the size of your existing audience in your personal advertising account. She gets ready with help. Install it to collect retargeting audiences from your website.

For an audience with visitors from pages or sections of the site, it is advisable to have about 250 or more users in coverage to start displaying ads. For audiences that are intended to be excluded, for example, users who are already customers of your online store, you must have 100 or more people in coverage.

  • Ad format. You can choose the one that suits you best.
  • Title. We choose according to the audience the ad is intended for. In this case, these are those users who visited the discount section in our online store.
  • Upload an image. Adding an image for our future ad.

We indicate age restrictions, despite the fact that this is a ready-made target audience that has visited our site previously.

For now, we select the audience that already has a sufficient number of users to display an advertisement.

In the “Except” field, be sure to select the “Place an order” audience: this method will allow you to show the ad exclusively to those people who were on the site but left without purchasing. For those who are already your customers, showing an ad does not make sense: unless you can offer a profitable promotion for regular customers. This is what we recommend sellers do.

If in the upper right corner, after selecting two audiences, it shows that there is no target audience, then you need to expand your geographic targeting. In this case, we select all countries, not just Russia. The identifiers that we loaded to speed up the recruitment of 100 people turned out to be not from Russia, but for a real campaign you need to indicate your region of work.

The full version of pricing policy settings can be seen in the article. In this case, let's fill in the basics.

We choose payment for transitions, but you can choose the second option. We will set the rate at 5 rubles. If there are no clicks, the bid should be increased over time.

The ad has been created: we check all the main points, as well as the correctness of the link leading to our website:

Ready! Now your ad will be shown to those who visited your site but did not place an order. The same targeting can be specified for .

Retargeting VKontakte by audience of clients and contacts

If you have a database of your clients’ phone numbers or a database of their email addresses, or you have collected VKontakte client page ids, you can use them to increase your sales.

First, we need to create the audience itself, and only then add it to a new advertising campaign. We perform all actions similarly to those described in the previous step.

In the dialog box that opens, specify the name for the audience and select the “Load from file” option. In the description, you can read in detail about the format in which the downloaded file should be, as well as what types of user data are supported by the system. In the image below you can see all of your clients' supported data formats in a single text document. There are only three of them: telephone numbers (country code, without extra symbols), mail (completely with domains), id from the numbers of VKontakte users.

Upload the file with the selected audience and update the advertising account page.

If you don’t yet have a sufficient customer base, you can upload 100 of any user ids for . Nothing bad will happen, including monetary losses, but the ad will go into action and your small number of clients will start seeing ads.

It's time to create the ad itself. Click on the “Create ad” button in the same line where the audience itself is located. In the dialog box that opens, select the “External site” item as standard and indicate the link to the landing page along with subsequent traffic analytics.

In the form, fill in all fields similarly to the previous manuals. The main thing is to take this type of audience into account.

We indicate the country. In this case, there is no need to touch age restrictions: the entire audience is already your clients. However, if you are launching a specific promotion depending on the client’s gender and age, you need to indicate.

Choosing our audience. You can use the “Except” field in case of screening out those customers who have already taken advantage of the promoted promotion.

Similarly, you can easily set up VKontakte retargeting for ready-made target audiences based on your ideas.

What is VKontakte retargeting?

Let's consider a common situation: a visitor followed your ad to the landing page, read the offer, maybe even reached the page with the order form, but for some reason left the site - he changed his mind, doubted it, and put it off “for later.”

It is quite clear that since he was interested in the offer, it means that he is our potential buyer and it would be a pity to lose him (this also applies to owners of online stores or other resources).

On some sites, in order not to miss out on loyal visitors, they set up subscription forms to collect their contacts with an offer to notify about discounts or promotions, but not everyone leaves their addresses.

How to motivate the audience to return to the site and spur them to take targeted action?

This is why such a tool was invented.

How VKontakte retargeting works.

If a visitor has once visited your website or a separate page of it and performed some actions on it, ads with the same offer or an offer on the same topic are shown after him, and a large percentage of buyers “mature” and return to place an order .

This is easy to do: in the VKontakte retargeting settings, you indicate the address of the site, some of its pages or other points of contact with visitors, which will be the criterion for displaying ads.

That is, this is the same targeting of the target audience, but aimed at its hottest segment.

How to set up VK retargeting.

VK went much further than others in terms of settings and application of this tool. In addition to the main function of increasing conversion by returning resource visitors, the social network allows you to upload your own collected databases and display advertising only to the list of narrowly segmented target audience that you specify in the settings.

That is, retargeting campaigns, unlike targeting ones, are aimed at specific people whom you have selected according to certain criteria.

Retargeting audience.

Site visitors (selling page).

If you have a thematic website (or online store), you can collect a VKontakte retargeting database from visitors (who have a social network account) of the entire website or its individual pages (the same with the landing page). Such an audience will be the target for an advertising campaign on the relevant topic.

To set up collection, go to “advertising” - “retargeting” in your VK account and click “create pixel”.

A window opens where you fill in the required fields and click “create”

A window will appear with the script code, which must be inserted between the head tags on the desired pages of your site.

That's it, the script has started collecting visitor data.

Parsing VK communities.

When setting up targeted advertising on VKontakte, it is possible to indicate the communities in which your target audience lives, which narrows the focus of advertising and increases conversion. The downside is that of all the participants in such communities, only a certain percentage of subscribers are active, the rest are only registered and are not interested in the topic of the group, and advertisements will be posted by anyone that affects the effectiveness of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

You can separate active users from passive ones, collect lists of people interested in a product, and create a VKontakte retargeting database for subsequent use in campaign settings using parsing.

The most famous and multifunctional parser is Cerebro Target, but the service is paid and not everyone can afford to buy it unless they are engaged in large-scale advertising on VKontakte.

There are cheaper analogs of Cerebro:

  • - 1490 rub. per month or 190 rub. in two days;
  • segmento-target( - 200 rub. per month;
  • vk.barkov(, - completely free, although with less, but quite sufficient functionality.

Let's look at collecting an audience for free using the example of

Parser capabilities - search for VK users according to specified criteria:

1. By activity: on the wall, in discussions, in posts;
2. Intersection of subscribers across lists;
3. Parser of subscribers in communities.
The service also allows you to compare the contents of arbitrary audience lists and has a detailed description for each item of its functionality, which makes it convenient and understandable.

I see no point in describing the entire process of creating a VKontakte retargeting database - on each page with a function the result of its use and your necessary actions are described.

The collected list is saved to the computer in text format, in which the script writes the VK user id and gives a description of the selection criteria (!). This creates several different groups.

To upload a file to the campaign, again go to “retargeting” - “create audience”, write the name, check “upload from file” and select the one you need on your computer (before this, delete unnecessary entries from the file).

The campaign settings are standard for , just in the “retargeting audience” field you select from those created earlier, and then you can refine the targeting using standard functions.

I know affiliate marketers who collect databases from the landing pages of each advertising campaign. Subsequently, these lists are combined by topic and repeated sales are made through retargeting. Simple and effective.

Another possibility is to collect audience groups by brand, by product category, etc., it all depends on your imagination.

And further. The VK help for loading a database from a file states that the list should consist of a social network user id, and (or) email, and (or) phone number. That is, you can upload a file with people’s email addresses or phone numbers, and, if they have VKontakte accounts, set up a display for this group of users. And this is another reason to think about the possibility of searching and collecting a retargeting database for subsequent setting up targeted advertising.