Initial setup of the ACC system “Government Order. What is the ACC-Goszakaz system? ACC state order decoding

The ACC-Goszakaz system is needed so that employees from the customer side (tender managers and other contract service employees) can prepare documents for the Unified Information System. Thus, ACC State Order is an information environment for preparing tender documentation and ensuring the financial side of the future contract. The integrated database system, which is the ACC State Order, is a kind of buffer between the customer and the Unified Information System.

The developer is the Russian company “BFT” (Budget and Financial Technologies) - their field of activity is the creation of software products for both the state and business. According to information on the company's website, since 1997 the company has implemented more than 1,900 projects in 35 regions and 800 municipalities of Russia.

At the moment, the system is used in all regions of Russia. There are also a number of services that can be integrated into it - they allow you to conduct electronic document management, manage finances and assets.

The work of the ACC State order is standardized by 44-FZ. The interaction between the UIS and similar systems is discussed in Article 4 of the law.

Thanks to this information environment, the customer has the opportunity to carry out documentation at all stages of the tender: from planning to execution. About the latter in a little more detail: the system allows you to monitor the contract execution process - it can be used to draw up reports on the contract. Thanks to integration with financial modules, an official has the opportunity to request background information from banks, obtain estimate data, find out budget classification codes and much more.

The ACC also allows interaction with electronic trading platforms where tenders are held in the field of public procurement. Thanks to the ACC State Order, the procurement system has become more transparent and is now easier to control, since all financial reporting is available to regulatory authorities in real time. At the same time, the principle of municipal independence continues to remain unchanged - since inspections do not affect the very progress of ongoing procurement.

An important part of the functioning of the service is calculating the effectiveness of those tenders that have already been completed.

The customer can transmit to the Unified Information System (which appears in the legislation as the OOS - All-Russian Official Website) information about the collection of penalties, penalties or fines from the supplier in the event of failure to fulfill obligations under the contract.

Centralization of the system makes it possible to reduce the cost of tenders (since the resources of government bodies are spent on the organization itself). Thus, the principle of economy underlying the organization of the public procurement system is preserved.

ACC State Order is part of the public procurement system, integrated with the Unified Information System; it helps increase competition in procurement, as it expands the number of bidders.

Let's list the features of this system in the form of a list. Here he is:

Automation of the process of state and municipal procurement based on the needs of end consumers of goods and services;

Standardization of the procedure for preparing and conducting tenders;

Formation and publication of information about contracts of budgetary institutions for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services in the register of state and municipal contracts;

Maintaining a database of price offers from procurement participants for government needs;

Monitoring the implementation of federal legislation on the execution of contracts;

Planning procedures for placing an order “based on demand”;

Ensuring order fulfillment through reserving limits at the stage of confirming the need;

Saving budget funds through increasing the volume of purchases as a result of consolidating applications for products from budget recipients;

Interaction with the financial authority in terms of monitoring the fulfillment of obligations assumed under contracts, as well as civil agreements of budgetary institutions;

Centralized management of the processes of planning, formation and placement of orders.

Initial setup of the ACC system “Goszakaz”.

Installation and launch of the ACC “Goszakaz”:

You can download the ACC “Government Order” client on the website http://www. zakupki. ***** in the “Information” “Links” section. A self-extracting version of the archive is available for download.

After you have downloaded the archive, you need to unpack it onto your computer, directly into the folder in which the program will be located; no additional installation is required.

The archive contains the client folder. There is a file in the folder order. exe, it is the executable file that launches the ACC “Goszakaz”.


1) If your Internet works through a proxy server, you need to make the necessary settings in the fileorder . ini

2) If you are using an operating systemWindows Vistaand higher, it is necessary to disable visualization, which can lead to the disappearance of inscriptions, function buttons, etc. To do this you need to create shortcutsorder. exeon the desktop, go to the shortcut properties, select the compatibility tab and check the “Disable visual design” checkbox Omsk region." href="/text/category/omskaya_obl_/" rel="bookmark">Omsk region".

In the “Username and Password” tab, you must enter your login. For all customers, accounts were created with a login created according to the principle: “Last NameIO” - Last name with a capital letter and initials, without dots or spaces, for example, IvanovII. There is no default password; later, when setting up the system, we will set a password.

After the login is entered, click “OK” to log in. The first launch may take some time, depending on the Internet speed. At this time, all directories and possibly updates will be downloaded. The next system starts will be faster.

Settings of the ACC "Goszakaz":

When you first start the system, set a password for your personal account; to do this, go to the menu “Tools->Change password”

In the “Old Password” field, you do not need to specify anything, the password is empty; in the “New Password” and “Re-enter” fields, enter your new password. Then click OK.

Creating organization accounts:

To work with electronic documents, you will need the accounts of your organization (including the personal account used to secure the application). To do this, you need to go to the section “Directories->Organizations->Accounts of Organizations”.

Most likely, your organization does not have accounts in the system, therefore, when you select your organization in the filter, you will see an empty list. Next you need to add all the accounts. To do this, click on the button to add a new account." width="517" height="363">

In the “Financial authority” field, select “UFK for the Omsk region”.

In the “Financial Account” field, select the UFC account and click “OK”.

By analogy, other accounts are added, including “Bank”.

Organization details:

You also need to check the data of your organization; to do this, you need to go to the “Directories->Organizations->Organizations” section, find your organization, and open it for editing. There, check the correctness of the data entered in the “General Information” and “Contacts” tabs.

In case your data is filled in incorrectly, or some changes have occurred in the data:

1) Full name

2) Abbreviated name

5) Contact phone number

8) Territory code (OKATO)

9) Location

10) Postal address

Then the data can be corrected.

The rules for editing an organization card are as follows:

1) The customer must make changes to the information about his organization on the OOS (*****);

2) After the data is changed on the OOS, send information about what information needs to be changed to the email address of the ACC-Goszakaz system support indicated on the regional website of the system (zakupki. *****). After this, the system administrator will make changes.

44-FZ provides for the need for interaction of the Unified Information System (UIS) with other IS. This issue is discussed in Article 4. The procedure for using the UIS is determined by the Order of the Treasury (PFC dated December 30, 2015 No. 26n). Subjects of the Russian Federation and municipalities have been given powers to create databases integrated with the Unified Information System.

For these purposes, a two-level system “ACC-Government Order” (“ACC-Municipal Order”) has been put into effect.

Registration of the system for automating the government procurement management process - Automated Control Center State Order (ATSKGZ) - was confirmed by a certificate in 2008. After this, it was gradually put into operation and adapted to users.

The functioning of the ACCG is based on the principle of interaction between a chain of electronic documents with the ability to transfer information from one document to another. The legal status of the information is certified by the electronic signature of an authorized person.

Features Overview

The automated control center State Order is aimed at creating a unified information space for all participants in government procurement. The activity is based on the principle of centralization. Work in the system is automated.

Particular attention is paid to the process of interaction with the Unified Information System. Support for two-way data movement is important here. Placing an order and entering information about government contracts into the Unified Information System occurs through the ACPP.

The center accumulates the entire procurement process:

  • planning;
  • formation;
  • accommodation;
  • execution.

Includes analysis and execution control functions. In addition, it allows you to track and calculate the effectiveness of your purchases. Generate reports.

ACCGZ is integrated with the ACC-Finance system. This connection provides access to financial reference files:

  • banks;
  • budgetary institutions and their accounts;
  • budget classification codes;
  • estimates

Makes it possible to import data for reserving budget liability limits.

ACCGZ is also associated with ACC-Planning. In both cases, integration is carried out through one-time input of information and synchronization of documents and reference books.

How to connect

Due to the provisions established in Part 4 of Art. 7 norms, subjects and municipalities take measures at their own discretion for the functioning of information systems at the appropriate level. Therefore, to connect to the ACPP, users usually need to contact the contacts of the official body or the email address of the regional procurement website (public procurement committee).

Working with the center's web interface is available only after registration.

Some regions carry out registration by filling out special forms. They can be both electronic and handwritten. Let's give a couple of different examples.

After registration, you must enter the address of the system server in the address bar of your browser. An image will appear with the option to log in.

In the authorization form you need to fill in user information (name or login) and password. Next you enter. If, when entering data, the system recognizes the registered user and password, you will be logged into the ACCGZ web interface.

If the data is entered incorrectly, an error message will appear (authentication failed). You will need to try again.

At this login stage, it is also possible to launch the system in demo mode.

It must be admitted that working in the ACCG still causes certain difficulties for users. The regions are aware of this problem; in some cases, reference materials are provided on purchasing websites. Sometimes procurement authorities provide free training events.

  • Integrated system for organizing the process of state (municipal) procurement and electronic commerce “ACC-State/Municipal Order”

BFT became the only company that developed an ordering system, invited to the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation to demonstrate the possibilities of interaction between the All-Russian Official Website (OOS) and regional and municipal procurement systems. The integration demonstration was carried out on the basis of the ACC-Goszakaz system.

Let us recall that on January 1, 2011, changes to the legislation of the Russian Federation regarding the placement of state and municipal orders came into force, according to which all information about the placement of an order by a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or municipal entity must be published on a single All-Russian Official website. Websites of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities lose their official status.

To test the functionality of integrating the All-Russian Official Website with regional and municipal order placement systems, 8 pilot regions were selected, including the Khabarovsk Territory, where the ACC-Goszakaz order placement system has currently been implemented and is successfully operating.

The integration module developed by BFT allows for two-way data exchange between regional and municipal order placement systems and the All-Russian Official Website. The use of the functionality offered by the BFT Company within the framework of the "ACC-Government Order" system ("ACC-Municipal Order") ensures compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation regarding the placement of state and municipal orders and retains the functions necessary for the work of authorized bodies for planning the placement of an order, control and reserving cash limits when interacting with the treasury budget execution system, submitting applications for tenders, coordinating notices and documentation for publication on the website, generating summary analytics based on data based on the results of placing an order.

The defense of the work carried out took place in the presence of the Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation A.E. Likhachev. and Deputy Director of the Department of Competition Policy of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation A.T. Katamadze The BFT company received high praise for the work done in terms of implementing the integration of the ACC-Goszakaz system and the All-Russian Official Website.

Now the system makes it possible to control and monitor the execution of contracts, identify problems if they arise at any stage, and apply corrective measures in the event of a negative assessment of the progress of contract implementation, including the imposition of penalties and other sanctions in the execution of government contracts. The obligations of the state/municipal customer to ensure the quality of the results of state/municipal contracts are fulfilled, and the legally required publication of information on the progress of execution of state/municipal contracts is carried out. The system also implements the function of monitoring market prices for purchased products.

In addition, system users will be able to create templates that indicate the source of information and the method for calculating the initial (maximum) contract price, which in turn allows the generation of documentation that meets the changed legal requirements.

In order to ensure compliance with the requirements of 79-FZ, the BFT Company offers training seminars on the work of Customers and Organizers in the "ACC-Government Order" system ("ACC-Municipal Order"); establishing and forming the initial (maximum) contract price; working with the subsystem for generating templates for tender documentation and auction documentation.

The solution developed by the BFT Company fully complies with the requirements of 79-FZ in terms of the formation and establishment of the initial (maximum) contract price and the principles of the FCC, stated by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, and is aimed at increasing the efficiency of the state/municipal procurement system, making it more transparent and helping to optimize costs budget funds.

The BFT company, within the framework of the automated system for managing state (municipal) orders “ATSK-Goszakaz”, has implemented the provisions of Federal Law No. 223-FZ “On the procurement of goods, works, services by certain types of legal entities.” At the same time, the use of a new subsystem at the level of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation will create a unified information space for maintaining information on state (municipal) procurement.

Federal Law No. 223-FZ, which came into force on January 1, 2012, establishes new rules and principles for procurement for certain types of legal entities. According to 223-FZ, the predominant methods of procurement are competition and auction, relations with electronic trading platforms are regulated, high requirements are imposed on procurement - this is information openness, targeted and cost-effective spending of funds for the purchase of goods, works, services.

The BFT company has provided its clients with the opportunity to automate the procurement process in accordance with the provisions of Federal Law No. 223-FZ. With the help of the new module of the state (municipal) order system, legal entities in the authorized capital of which the share of participation of the Russian Federation, a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, or a municipal entity in the aggregate exceeds fifty percent, can automatically carry out planning, formation, placement and control of the execution of state (municipal) ) orders. They also have the ability to interact with electronic trading platforms. In addition, integration with the ACC-Finance treasury budget execution system will make it possible to register information about accepted obligations in terms of the financial and economic activities of the institution, as well as data about the facts of payment for concluded contracts and agreements.

At the level of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the use of a new subsystem provides the ability to view and analyze all types of procurement reports of organizations, which makes the procurement process informationally open and transparent. In general, the integrated application of the regional system of state (municipal) procurement ensures management and control over procurement of all organizations, both financed from the budget and those belonging to a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Requirements of Law No. 122-FZ

The BFT company has provided its Clients using the state (municipal) procurement management system “ATSK-Goszakaz” (“ATSK-Municipal Order”) with the opportunity to timely fulfill the requirements of Federal Law No. 122-FZ regarding posting information on collecting fines from suppliers for improper fulfillment of their obligations by the latter.

According to the Federal Law of July 20, 2012 No. 122-FZ “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On Placing Orders for the Supply of Goods, Performance of Work, Provision of Services for State and Municipal Needs”, the Customer must transfer to the register of contracts information about the decisions made by him on collection from the supplier (performer, contractor) a penalty (fine, penalty) in connection with non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under the contract.

The BFT company has implemented, within the framework of the “Subsystem for interaction with the Environmental Protection Agency” of the state (municipal) procurement management system “ACC-Goszakaz” (“ACC-Municipal Order”), the ability to upload to the Environmental Protection Agency information about decisions made to collect penalties from the supplier (performer, contractor) ( fines, penalties) in connection with non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations provided for by the contract as part of the information about the contract (information about the execution of the contract). This, in turn, will allow Customers to place the necessary information on the OOS in a timely manner.

ACC-Municipal order according to the Software as a Service (SaaS) model

To solve the problem of automating municipal procurement procedures, the BFT company developed the ACC-Municipal Order service in the fall of 2012, implemented using the Software as a Service (SaaS) model. Thus, local authorities were able to work in the ACC-Municipal Order system based on web applications without installing software “on site”.

The main feature of the SaaS model is the absence of costs associated with installing, updating, and maintaining the hardware platform, which allows municipal authorities to work in the ACC-Municipal Order system with access to the Internet.

The "ACC-Municipal Order" service, implemented using the SaaS model, covers all processes of placing a municipal order, including the submission and processing of applications for bidding by an authorized body or organizer (when conducting joint bidding), generation of notices, placement of an order, generation of all printed forms of protocols based on customizable document templates, monitoring compliance with Russian legislation, as well as generating comprehensive analytical reporting based on data accumulated in the system. At the same time, it is possible to integrate with the All-Russian Official Website for publishing information about placing an order for the purchase of goods, works, services for municipal needs, as well as for entering information about municipal contracts, civil contracts of budgetary institutions for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services in the register of state and municipal contracts.

The advantages of using "ACC-Municipal Order" according to the "Software as a Service" model are:

  • rapid deployment of the service and flexible configuration adequate to the needs;
  • no need for investment, low cost of ownership compared to the traditional informatization model and efficient use of budget funds for informatization;
  • no need for your own IT infrastructure and specialists to support information systems;
  • the use of the promising Software as a Service (SaaS) model is consistent with the government policy of increasing informatization while reducing capital costs.

The ACC-Goszakaz system has implemented the ability to upload an order placement schedule to the OOS in xml format

In the procurement management system "ATSK-Goszakaz" it became possible to create a schedule for placing an order in the form of an xml file and upload it to the Official Website of the Russian Federation to post information on placing orders (OP).

In 2013, significant changes occurred in the area of ​​posting procurement information on the All-Russian Official Website (OOS). One of these changes is the publication by customers of procurement schedules in a structured form. In this case, information can be entered in the Customer’s personal account on the OOS either manually or by uploading a pre-generated file of a certain format.

The BFT company was one of the first to implement the ability to generate an xml file in the ACC-Goszakaz system with order placement schedule data for uploading to the OOS. To do this, first the schedule is prepared in the ACC-Goszakaz system in accordance with the Customer’s procedure for budget planning and determining the procedure schedule based on it. Next, the prepared schedule goes through all stages of approval and is ultimately downloaded from the system to a file in a format determined by the environmental protection system.

This feature allows you to significantly reduce the customer’s labor costs when publishing the schedule on the Environmental Protection Agency and combine the budget planning process with the process of publishing the schedule.

The BFT procurement management system has implemented the ability to publish plans and schedules for placing an order for environmental protection

In the state (municipal) procurement management system "ATSK-Goszakaz" ("ATSK-Municipal Order"), it has become possible to interact with the Official website of the Russian Federation to post information on the placement of orders (OPS) in terms of publishing order placement plans.

In 2013, significant changes occurred in the area of ​​posting procurement information on the All-Russian Official Website (OOS). One of these changes is the publication by customers of procurement plans in a structured form. In this case, information can be entered into the Customer’s personal account on the OOS manually (in the form of a report) by downloading a pre-generated file of a certain format and in the mode of integrating the OOS with external order placement systems.

The BFT company was one of the first to implement the ability to prepare plans for order placement schedules in the ACC-Government Order system (ATSK-Municipal Order) and their subsequent submission for publication on the Environmental Protection Agency in integration mode. The process of planning procedures takes place in two stages in accordance with the norms of the Federal Law on the Contract System: preparation and approval of a procurement plan and drawing up an order placement schedule based on approved procurement plans. The specified schedule is checked for compliance with legal norms before it is sent for publication to the Environmental Protection Agency. Feedback has also been implemented - information about the publication of the schedule is sent to the ACC-Goszakaz system (ATSK-Municipal Order) along with the Procurement Identification Codes assigned for posting.

This feature allows you to significantly reduce the customer’s labor costs when preparing and publishing the schedule on the environmental protection system, as well as eliminate the need to place it manually.

Purpose of the product The "ACC-Government Order" system ("ACC-Municipal Order") is designed to organize control and analysis of the entire process of preparing and placing an order: from planning needs and order placement procedures to the execution of contracts concluded as a result of them Allows employees of customers and authorized bodies for placement and control, quickly in real time view, analyze clearly displayed information on planning, formation, placement and execution of an order and make effective management decisions

Compliance with current legislation in the field of state and municipal procurement 94-F3 dated July 21, 2005 “On placing orders for the supply of goods, and performance of work, provision of services for State and municipal needs” Civil Code Budget Code 135-FZ dated July 26, 2006 “On protection competition" 135-FZ of July 26, 2006 "On the Protection of Competition" ACC State order Municipal order Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of procurement Orders and letters of the Ministry of Economic Development in the field of procurement

BUDGETARY AND FINANCIAL TECHNOLOGIES 3 basic principles of system operation A single information space for all participants in the state/municipal procurement process: from the planning process and the formation of orders, to the process of contract execution and monitoring of execution A single database of regulatory and reference information for the state/municipal procurement process (a single reference book goods, works and services, a unified directory of organizations, etc.) Interconnected work regulations for all participants in the state / municipal procurement process

Advantages of the ACC-Government Order system for Customers Automatic generation of draft contracts, information about the contract based on the results of procedures. Control of the timing of the formation of information about the contract and sending it to the All-Russian Official Website Inadmissibility of violating the provisions of federal legislation in the field of placing a state order No need to approve paper documents in the control department, due to the introduction of electronic document management using digital signature Control of generated documents for compliance with plans. Control for the same name

Using the functionality of the "ACC-Goszakaz" system in accordance with 83-FZ In accordance with 83-FZ, budgetary institutions receive the status of "Customer" and are subject to 94-FZ The process of placing an order by Customers - budgetary institutions in the "ACC-Goszakaz" system" is no different from the process of placing an order by government institutions. Accounting for funds from budgetary institutions is carried out on expense lines containing classification codes: KOSGU, KVFO, Industry code and Subsidy code

Ensuring full compliance with the principles of the Federal Contract System (FCS) of the ACC Ensuring local implementation of all regulated functionality of the FCS Contract management from the moment of formation of justifications for budget designs until the moment of operation of the result of the execution of a state/municipal contract Publication of information on the progress of execution of state/municipal contracts, control and monitoring of execution contracts, identification of problems if they arise at any stage Development of an optimal contract form for a given result, including the choice of a scheme for ensuring the quality of its execution Keeping records and certification of projects of state/municipal contracts Fulfilling the obligations of the state/municipal customer to ensure the quality of the results of state/municipal contracts Planning procedures Viewing planning results Accounting for claims and complaints Placing an order Accounting for contracts and agreements

Ensuring compliance with the requirements of 79-FZ ACC Possibility of implementing the requirements of Federal Law 79-FZ “On amendments to the Federal Law “On placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services for state and municipal needs”” in terms of the formation and establishment of the initial (maximum ) contract prices Review of the register of contracts concluded in the system Analysis of prices for various types of products with the subsequent formation of a price directory of the system Formation of templates for tender/auction documentation indicating the source of information and the method of calculating the initial (maximum) contract price

Using the price directory Price directory Plans Purchase requests Contracts Based on the directory data, plans, purchase requests for subsequent procedures and contracts themselves can be formed. When processing electronic documents in the ACC-Goszakaz system, automatic control is carried out for compliance with the prices indicated in the directory.

Competitive, auction documentation and notices of placement procedures The subsystem for generating competitive and auction documentation allows you to use templates for generating standard documents, such as: Competitive documentation Auction documentation Notices of order placement procedures Templates Documentation Notices

Centralized solution for automating the management of procurement procedures in a subject of the Russian Federation OOS Unified database of the system Budget of the subject Budget of the municipality 1 Budget of the municipality 2 Budget of the municipality N GRBS/RBS Autonomous institutions AU, BU, CU Employees of the administrative authority of the subject Control body Municipal entity 1 Municipal entity 2 Municipal entity N Budget of the Moscow Region…..

Interaction of the "ACC-Government Order" system ("ACC-Municipal Order") with the treasury budget execution system "ACC-Finance" and the All-Russian official website of the ACC-Finance Purchase application Contract/Agreement Directories Payment under contracts/agreements Notifications documents ACC-Government Order ACC -Municipal order All-Russian official website Information on the conclusion, change, execution, termination of the contract Account Directories and classifiers Protocols. Information about participants' applications Notice of refusal Registry entry number and date of assignment A single information space for the financial authority, authorized body and customers (recipients of budget funds) of the region/municipal entity.

Integration with the All-Russian Official Website (OOS) ACC-Goszakaz (ATSK-Municipal Order) The subsystem allows, using the usual procedures and interface “ATSK-Goszakaz” (“ATSK-Municipal Order”), to place a state/municipal order for OOS in full in accordance with current legislation, avoiding double accounting and entering environmental protection information 13

Functionality of the subsystem for interaction with the Environmental Protection Agency Notifications Documentation Changes Notice of refusal Information on participants' applications, results of bidding, requests for quotations, protocols Information on the conclusion, amendment, execution and termination of contracts Register entry number, date of publication by the ACC of the Environmental Protection Agency FC

Integration of treasury budget execution systems "ATSK-Finance" and state/municipal order "ATSK-Goszakaz" ("ATSK-Municipal Order") Creation of a unified information space in the field of public order placement between Customers, the Financial Authority and the Authorized Body Automatic availability check budget funds for ongoing purchases at all stages of order placement and execution Reservation of limits on budget obligations Tracking the progress of contract execution Policy of one-time entry of information Reducing the time required for preparation and processing of documents by maintaining electronic document flow using digital signature

Interaction of the "ACC-Government Order" system ("ACC-Municipal Order") with the CIB system ACC-GOSZAKAZ (ACC-MUNICIPAL ORDER) SKIB (ACC-FINANCE) Purchase application Decision to place an order Decision to place an order Contract / Agreement Actual delivery Accounting payment of a contract / agreement / invoice Accounting for payment of a contract / agreement / invoice Execution of a contract Account Control of free limits. Reservation of limits Information about the procurement procedure Control of free limits, removal of reserve limits, removal of reserve Acceptance of Budget / Monetary obligations Monetary obligations for execution Payment under the Agreement (BO / DO)

Automation of processes in the "ACC - State" system ("ACC-Municipal Order") Placement plan Consolidated purchase request Notification Order execution (control and accounting) Order placement Formation of an order Procurement plan Purchase application Placement plan Consolidated purchase request Decision to place an order ContractAgreement Suppliers' applications Fact of delivery Fact of payment Planning of order placement procedures

Openness and transparency of the process Principle of document approval Unified electronic document flow Statuses and responsible persons Postponed Non-compliance with the plan Project Limit control There are limits There are no limits In processing Refused Accepted Refused No limits for future periods Refused Accepted without limits Included in the summary Accepted by the organizer Processing completed by UO FD Electronic document “Purchase Application” » GRBS Customer

Subsystems and document flow of the system. “Viewing the results of planning and placing order procedures” Availability of drill down technology Purpose of the module: Operational control over the progress of procurement Ability to work both with and without the order or procedure planning module

Participants in the process Adding procurement plans to the application Control over free limits when linking SKIB in the context of budget classification codes Automatic check for compliance of the procurement plan with the placement plan Delivery schedule Total amount of products Name of products Subsystems and document flow of the system. “Formation of an order” Customer UO GRBS Consolidated purchase order Fin. authority (SKIB) Procurement plan Purchase request Purchase request Purchase request Schedule of customer placement

Subsystems and document flow of the system. “Formation of lots in a purchase application” Purpose of the module: Tool for short-term planning of procedures by the customer Possibility for the customer to determine the documentation requirements and evaluation criteria at the stage of order formation Possibility for the customer to determine the composition of lots at the stage of order formation

Subsystems and document flow of the system. “Generation of design documentation templates (DoA)” Generation of tender documentation templates according to user-specified rules Automatic completion of a tender documentation template with data generated in the system Automatic generation of documentation based on ED data Decision on procurement

Subsystems and document flow of the system. “Generation of electronic document templates” Generation of contract templates and agreements according to user-specified rules Automatic filling of the printed form of the contract / agreement with data generated in the system Automatic generation of supply agreements based on contract data User-specified rules Adding text fields

Monitoring concluded contracts for compliance with planned indicators Monitoring that the contract does not exceed the maximum amount for the placed purchase of products Monitoring the execution of contracts Formation of documents confirming the Supplier’s fulfillment of obligations under the contract / agreement Accounting for changes in the terms of contracts / agreements during the execution process Automatic formation of a contract with the winner based on the results of the implementation procedures Report generation Subsystems and document flow of the system. “Control of contracts / agreements” Participants in the process Supplier Organizer Fin. Authority (SKIB) Customer Contract with the winner Fact of delivery (invoice) Fact of payment Fin. by the authority “Decision to place an order” (results of the procedure)

Accounting for claims for the fulfillment of obligations under a contract / agreement Accounting for legal claims for the fulfillment of obligations under a contract / agreement Accounting for deadlines for the Supplier to fulfill obligations under a contract / agreement Generating reports on the execution of contracts / agreements Subsystems and document flow of the system. “Accounting for claims and claims under contracts and agreements” Participants in the process MA Control body Customer Claim Fact of delivery (invoice) Claim Contract/Agreement

Subsystem and document flow of the system. “Control of small volume purchases” Formation of a register of purchases made for an amount not exceeding the limit established by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation for cash payments between legal entities. persons Generating invoices for payment for “non-contractual” purchases for non-cash payments at the workplaces of Budget recipients Monitoring invoices for compliance with standard prices, allowable amount and availability of purchases in the plan Acceptance of invoices and transferring them for execution to the body organizing the execution of the budget Accounting for payment of invoices Formation of documents, confirming receipt of products under non-contractual purchases, at the workplaces of Budget recipients Analysis and control of non-contractual purchases Participants in the process Supplier Organizer Fin. authority (SKIB) Customer Invoice for “non-contractual purchases” Agreement Fact of delivery (invoice) Fact of payment Fin. body

Advantages of use: expanding the circle of potential bidders; reducing the costs of order placement procedures by automating key processes; ensuring operational control; flexible customization of the complete set and configuration of the system, taking into account all client requirements and legal features

Implemented projects Amur region Belgorod region Volgograd region Voronezh region Transbaikal district Irkutsk region Kaliningrad region Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria Kemerovo region Komi Republic of Krasnoyarsk region Lipetsk region Nizhny Novgorod region Perm region Samara region Sverdlovsk region Tomsk region Tyumen region Ulyanovsk region Khabarovsk Territory Chelyabinsk Region The system “ATSK-Government Order”, “ATSK-Municipal Order” successfully operates in many subjects and municipalities of the Russian Federation

Contact information: , Moscow, st. Skladochnaya 3, building 1 Budget and Financial Technologies LLC tel./fax: (495) THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION!