Why iPhone sound doesn't work. No sound on iPhone - what to do and what to do? Sound control chip

iPhone one of the most popular mobile phones in the whole world, but it gained such popularity not only due to the fact that it is a good mobile phone, but it is also a device through which you can watch movies, listen to music, take various pictures, we have all the functions We will not list them, since there are quite a lot of them.

One of the problems that an iPhone user may encounter is the disappearance of sound on his device. Such an unpleasant moment can occur for various reasons: mechanical damage, ingress of dust, moisture, and so on. Below we will try to give some tips on how to figure it out at home when no sound iPhone.

What to do if there is no sound on iPhone:

The most common case is when the owner of an iPhone uses headphones and after some time realizes that the sound has disappeared. In this case, you need to plug the headphones back into the device, since sometimes the smartphone thinks that the headphones are still inside it. By doing this procedure, the glitch should disappear if this reason caused the problem. Then there are times when you download some new application, after which the sound disappears. In this case, remove the application and restart your device. This should help.

Now let's look at cases where the sound disappears due to dirt getting into the speaker, a fairly common phenomenon, since dust and dirt surround us everywhere. In this case, you need to clean your speaker from dust with a gentle brush, but you need to do this carefully so as not to damage other parts. It should definitely help.

There are often times when you randomly put your phone into “ mute” mode; to fix this problem, switch the lever to another position on your smartphone and the sound should appear.

Fun iPhone sound booster...

In the case when you have not taken any action with the iPhone, and there is no sound on your device, just try to restart your device, or, as a last resort, change the firmware to a newer version, often such procedures help, maybe it will help you, who knows.

Well, if none of the above methods have solved your problem, then you have only one thing left to do, contact the professionals at the service center, they will definitely help you. Specialists will immediately identify the problem and fix it in a short time, so in any case, you should not be upset!

Watch the video where the sound partially disappears if you disconnect the iPhone from:

Users often complain about a situation in which the sound on the iPhone disappears. And it doesn't matter which model you have. This problem can still bother even the most careful and thrifty person. To be honest, there are a lot of options for the development of events here. But we will try to fully understand them. Why on an iPhone in one case or another? All this will be discussed now.

Downed mode

The first cause of our problem may be a banal reset of the settings. That is, if you notice that you have an iPhone 4, you shouldn’t immediately panic. Check if everything is ok with the settings.

Most likely, you will notice that you are in silent mode. It is enough to change it to any other one, and the problem will disappear by itself. In principle, this is a very common case. But unfortunately, more often subscribers think about the problem if the situation is of a different nature. So what else could it be? Why on iPhone?

Damaged speakers

The next reason is damage to the speakers in the device. This is also a very common case. And it is precisely this that brings a lot of inconvenience to users. After all, before drawing such conclusions, you will have to exclude all other options.

If you find that your iPhone has lost sound or is now quiet, it’s time to check the speakers for integrity. It is best to take the device to a service center. They will tell you exactly what the problem is. If the speakers on the device are really damaged and refuse to work, then only one thing will help here - completely replacing them. As a last resort - repair. But you shouldn’t do this on your own. Again, you will have to contact service centers. No other way.

Moisture ingress

What to do if there is no sound on your iPhone? It all depends on the situation. Sometimes the cause of this problem is moisture getting into the device. Talking on your smartphone in rainy weather? Did they drop it in the water? Then don't be surprised by the problem! Any phone starts to "glitch" when it comes into contact with water. By the way, high humidity in the room can also cause sound loss.

Everything can be resolved quite easily here. If the sound on your iPhone disappears (or it has disappeared completely) due to moisture getting into the device, you need to dry it. Disassemble the phone as much as possible, and then blot each component with a towel. Gently dry all parts with a hair dryer. The sooner you do this, the better.

What's next? Once the entire smartphone is dry, you can reassemble it and check its functionality. Practice shows that it usually disappears. You shouldn’t limit yourself to just these cases. Sometimes the sound on the iPhone disappears for other reasons. Some of them are very easy to fix. And some cannot be adjusted at all.

System failure

By the way, you can try one very tricky trick. It helps when everything is fine with the phone itself. After all, if there is no sound on your iPhone, you can complain about a regular system failure. Such phenomena can happen on any phone for various reasons.

Usually the situation can be easily corrected. Firstly, you can use the system - this is what will help return all settings to normal and eliminate even minor glitches. This is not my favorite technique.

Subscribers often use one trick: if you lose sound on your iPhone, connect it for a while and then disconnect the headset. Headphones are what will help you cope with the situation. This method helps very well. In any case, this is what most iPhone owners say.

Reset everything

Don’t want to spend a long time looking for the cause of the breakdown and loss of sound? Then you can try to do without it. It is enough to reset all iPhone settings to initial ones. If the reason lies in the operating system of the device or some kind of failure, then it will be eliminated. When can you try your luck? For example, if you have lost the locking sound on your iPhone.

How to bring your idea to life? Go to your smartphone settings. There you need to select the “Basic” - “Reset” tab. Take a close look at all the points that the system will offer you. Here click on "Reset all settings". Now you should wait a while. Don't be alarmed if your iPhone reboots immediately after processing your request. This is quite normal.

You can see what happened. Practice shows that resetting the settings to the initial ones not only returns the sound, but also generally improves the functioning of the smartphone’s operating system. True, it will take a long time to set up call ringing again. This is not such a big problem compared to the sound disappearing on the phone.


But there are also more unpleasant moments. For example, if we are talking about a pirated copy of an iPhone. Buyers very often complain about constant problems with the operation of these gadgets. And the sound on them disappears very often.

What can be done? First, try all the proposed solution methods. Most likely they won't help. Secondly, if the copy of the iPhone is still under warranty, you can take advantage of it. Just exchange your phone for a new one. It is worth noting immediately that this phenomenon is rarely observed. Often, buyers of fakes are left with nothing.

Then you can only sympathize. And suggest not to use fake gadgets in the future. Either learn to work with your iPhone without sound, or change your phone completely. But not like a pirate anymore. There is no other way out.


Have you bought a new device and noticed that there is no sound on your iPhone? Most likely, the reason here lies in marriage. Don't hesitate, try quickly. How exactly?

Contact the store where you purchased the gadget. Show your receipt and explain the nature of your complaint. The iPhone will have to be sent for examination. They will determine exactly what the problem is. If the sound disappears due to a defect or manufacturing error, you will either get your money back or be offered a new copy to replace the old one. But you can do this as long as you have a warranty on your smartphone, and also until 14 days have passed from the date of purchase.

Has the warranty period expired? Take your iPhone for repair or change it altogether. As you can see, there are enough cases when the sound disappears. And you don't always need to panic. Often you can cope with all the problems yourself. If you are afraid of making the wrong “diagnosis”, contact your nearest service center. This will save you from unnecessary headaches.

The iPhone is capable of many functions, but its main purpose is still to receive and make calls. However, even new generation smartphones like the iPhone have drawbacks. Often, iPhone users are faced with the fact that during a conversation either they cannot hear their interlocutor or they cannot hear them. This problem is relevant even among iPhone 6/6 Plus owners. Fortunately, audio problems on your iPhone are fairly easy to fix.

How to fix the problem of no sound during a call on iPhone:

No sound during a call: checking the volume level

To check the volume setting on your iPhone, use the volume buttons located on the side panel. Therefore, before receiving or making calls, check the volume setting on your device.

Cleaning the headset jack and pin jack

Using soft, dry cleaning wipes, clean the headset jack and pin connector to remove any dirt or foreign objects. If you cannot remove the detected item yourself, contact an Apple Store service center.

Cleaning the iPhone Speaker

The iPhone speaker is susceptible to dirt and dust. Cleaning the speaker is an effective way to troubleshoot problems with no sound on your device during a call. To remove dust and dirt from the receiver, use a small, sharp, non-metallic object (such as a toothpick); a soft-bristled toothbrush will also work for cleaning. In addition, this method of cleaning the speaker can be an effective preventative measure.

Check the mute button

Make sure the mute button is not enabled on your iPhone. If you see an orange bar next to the button, your device is muted. Turn on the sound of an incoming call by toggling the silent mode button. Then adjust the volume level.

Reboot your iPhone

Restarting your iPhone is one of the most effective ways to troubleshoot any problems on your device, including those related to no sound. To restart, turn your iPhone off and on again.

Erase content and settings

Use this option only as a last resort. To delete all content on your device and reset settings, go to Settings > General > Reset > Erase content and settings. Make sure you have backed up your iPhone using iTunes or iCloud before resetting.
That's all! We hope this solves your problem of no sound during a call on iPhone. If you have any other solutions, please share them in the comments!

The popularity of the iPhone today is undeniable. A smartphone has long ceased to be just a mobile phone with which people communicate.

Today, the iPhone is a multifunctional device, including watching movies, listening to music, and the ability to take videos and photos.

The owner of an iPhone uses certain functions of the phone every day, and if he encounters a problem such as “no sound on the iPhone” or “no sound on the iPhone,” this can significantly complicate his life. This malfunction can occur for many reasons, including mechanical damage, contact with water, accumulated dust and dirt.

So, what should you do if there is no sound on your iPhone?

In the vast majority of cases, the owner of a mobile phone encounters this problem after using headphones. The sound has disappeared because the phone thinks that the headphones are still connected to the device. To fix this problem, you need to plug and unplug your headphones again and the problem will go away.

Also, on an iPhone, the sound may disappear after installing an application. If this is why the sound disappears, uninstall the program and restart the device.

If the loss of sound is due to dust or dirt getting into the speaker, you will need to clean it. Use a small brush and very carefully and carefully remove the dust from the speaker without damaging other parts of the phone.

One of the reasons for the disappearance of sound may be that the mute mode is turned on on the iPhone. Go to settings and switch the mode and the sound should appear.

If you are sure that none of your actions could have caused the sound to disappear, try turning the device off and on, and finally, if none of the above actions helped, update the phone's firmware.

None of the operations you performed helped? In this case, you will need the help of professionals. Take your mobile device to a service center, and specialists will fix the problem as soon as possible.

An iPhone on which the sound has disappeared actually loses most of its functions - it cannot be used either as a music player or as a means of communication. Therefore, a user who encounters such a malfunction is forced to immediately attend to its elimination.

The owner does not need to immediately prepare for the worst - calling for service and costly repairs. If the device is mechanically sound, then the user will most likely be able to solve the problem on his own.

The reasons why the ringer sound or sound during a conversation most often disappears on the iPhone can be divided into: software And hardware.

Software errors

Common software reasons for loss of sound include:

  • Failed jailbreak. Hacking the system can lead to a bug in the iOS code.
  • Installation of unofficial software. You should download only those tweaks from Cydia that have been tested and recommended by experts on thematic portals.
  • Operating system freezes.
  • Incorrect iPhone settings.

Hardware problems

Hardware problems that can lead to loss of sound during calls and in the speaker are as follows:

  • Pouring. Due to liquid getting under the case, the headphone jack microcircuits are oxidized. Because of this, the iPhone constantly “thinks” that a headset is connected to it - although the 3.5-Jack connector is actually free. It is better to “treat” a flooded iPhone at a service center, but you should provide “first aid” to the gadget yourself. Our article tells...
  • The speaker or headphone input is clogged. This problem most often affects people who prefer to carry iPhones in their pockets without using protective cases. The speaker grid and 3.5 connector inevitably become clogged with small debris and dust.
  • Mechanical damage to the speaker. Speaker failure is a consequence of physical impact on the mobile device. In this case, it is necessary to replace the speaker or at least the non-working microcircuit. The replacement can be carried out by a person who knows how to disassemble iPhones and owns a soldering paw.

What to do if there is no sound on your iPhone?

The average user will hardly be able to accurately diagnose the cause of the loss of sound. Therefore, it will be necessary to take measures aimed at eliminating all sorts of reasons– starting with the simplest one.

You must follow this algorithm:

Step 1. Perform a visual inspection of the gadget. The reason for the lack of sound may lie “on the surface” and consist, for example, in the fact that the speaker is covered with a film or cover.

Step 2. Reboot your gadget. As a result of the restart, the cache will be cleared, temporary files will be deleted, and iOS will start working again. By rebooting, you can eliminate such a reason as operating system freezes. If after starting the iPhone there is still no sound, you should exclude this reason from the list of possible reasons and move on.

Step 3. Reset settings. Using this action, you will bring all the settings of your mobile device to the original configuration. Follow the path " Settings» — « Basic» — « Reset", Press " Reset all settings", then enter the password twice.

This type of reset will not delete the user's personal data, so it is not necessary to create a backup copy before this operation.

Step 4. Remove apps. Remember which of your actions preceded the loss of sound. Perhaps you installed a tweak from Cydia and then immediately discovered the problem? “Demolish” the applications and tweaks that you downloaded recently, reboot the device again and check the sound.

Step 5. in any way. The following operation will lead to the deletion of information on the iPhone.

Step 6. Restore your gadget using DFU mode. Connect your iPhone to your PC with a cable, open iTunes and enter your Apple device in DFU MODE. , is described on our website. When a question about restoring a gadget appears in iTunes, answer it positively.

If none of the above measures produce results, there are no software errors - the problem lies at the hardware level. Everything that the user can do in this case with his own hand– clean the headphone jack and speaker.

This work must be done as carefully as possible! Do not use metal tools (such as a needle), otherwise you risk scratching the contacts. You can remove dirt from the connector using a toothpick or a thin swab with a cotton tip.